Awareness Video

Best Practices On Personal Online Safety

How should you stay cyber secure amidst the alarming rates of cyberattacks? Let's find out by following these easy steps to help protect your files and devices! 

The holiday season brings joy and excitement, especially when shopping for gifts online. But wait! Before you click 'buy now,' let's ensure a merry and secure shopping experience.

Do you know that a passphrase is more secure than a password? It is harder to crack and enhances the security of a user's account. How secure is your passphrase? Let's have a look!

What is a USB device? A USB device is commonly used for storage, data backup, and transfer of files between devices. It is important to understand that USB devices may expose you to risks.

Most individuals have used USB storage devices at least once in their lifetime. But are you aware that this could cause malicious software (malware) infection on your devices? To an extent, it may even affect the entire organisation!

All your online files are connected by OneDrive, a Microsoft cloud service accessible from any connected device. With its many beneficial features, data safety should similarly be upheld by implementing best practices to use OneDrive securely to safeguard sensitive data from online threats.

An effective cybersecurity culture requires participation of all stakeholders as information security carries significant financial and legal risks. It is essential to understand the common causes of data breaches and implement specific preventive measures.

Cyberattacks can significantly disrupt organisations and their operations. While cybersecurity has traditionally been associated with IT teams for crisis management and resolution, it is important to recognise that everyone shares a responsibility in preventing cyberattacks.

The Internet can be a wonderful place for children to interact, but it can also risk exposure to various threats. Learn more about the risks of personal information sharing, cyberbullying, phishing, and malware that could endanger your children online.